Heisei 17, Feb. 7

We went to Shingu and visited several shrines in the area. I picked up some seeds of a nagi tree at Asuka Shrine. Then we walked along the coast towards Nachi. It was a glorious day for walking, and I was full of energy. The Kumano Kodo is pretty interesting.

Fallen nuts bursting
open to begin new sprouts
lucky nagi trees

Heisei 19, Apr. 22

I walked from Esumi Station to Wabuka Station on the Ohechi route.
The views of the sea were beautiful. We set a fast pace, but it was no problem for me. We were pleasantly tired out by the fresh air and moderate exercise, so we went to bed at 10 pm.

Today's haiku is

Angry sea's whitecaps
racing along toward
grannys gossiping